The convergence of risk factors across the nexus between climate change, human mobility and security presents a unique problem for many local and regional actors, particularly in contexts marked by institutional and societal fragilities. Multi-dimensional and transnational in nature, nexus challenges require integrated responses cross-cutting different policy spaces, and call for enhanced coordination among all relevant actors operating at local, national, regional and international levels. As one of the regions where such interplay across the nexus is particularly relevant, matching the complexity of overlapping and border-crossing risk factors in the Sahel stands outs as a key challenge for multilateral governance. Against this background, and in the framework of the project "Nexus25 - Shaping Multilateralism”, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) organized a high-level event debating the interplay between climate, migration and security challenges in the Sahel. The event hosted a high-level panel discussion moderated by IAI Director Nathalie Tocci with representatives from regional and multilateral organisations working on various dimensions of nexus challenges in the Sahel region.
On this occasion, IAI also inaugurated a permanent exhibition composed of photographs by the two-time “World Press Photo Award” winner photographer Riccardo Venturi (Akronos), and a video-reportage directed by IAI research Fellow Lorenzo Colantoni, both developed in Senegal, in the framework of the Nexus25 project.